Valentine's Day, the famous holiday for lovers, is coming up in a few days. What if we put our home automation system to work? Home automation allows us to do many things, including creating ambiences to improve our comfort. Thus, with the simple push of a button, we will create the perfect atmosphere at home ;)
The scenario I'm going to present to you is relatively simple. It is there especially to show you the realization of a small Jeedom scenario, using various equipment already in place.
So we start by going into scenario creation, and we create an advanced type scenario. We give it the name we want.
The scenario will be of the “provoked” type, i.e. it will start on the activation of a device. For the example I chose a trigger on a press of the NIU button.
Although it is basically a small button connected by bluetooth, it is compatible with Jeedom thanks to the Bluetooth Advertisement plugin. The scenario could be triggered with any other button / remote control, just adjust it to your needs. Personally, I liked the little pink NIU for the occasion, easy to slip into the pocket ;-)
This button can have three states: one press, double press, and long press. Here, I create a condition block, which will launch the actions only if the button is pressed once (so ButtonID=1):
My first action, here in the blue block, will be to check if the window shutter is closed, and if not, to close it (just him, because all the other shutters close automatically at sunset). So I have a second SI block, which checks the state of the shutter. If it is different from 0 (closed), then I close it.
Then I have a series of actions performed:
- I turn off the ceiling light in the living room and dining room, which here are operated in Edisio…
- I turn on the 8 Ikea Dioder led lights controlled by Z-wave Fibaro RGBW modules, and I ask them to switch to “chimney” mode. These modules have pre-recorded modes, and this one imitates the flickering of candles, very nice :)
- I turn off the TV thanks to my Harmony remote control, integrated to Jeedom via its plugin.
- I turn on the connected fragrance diffuser I introduced you to some time ago. It will diffuse a sweet scent in the room (I recommend patchouli essential oil, which is known to be intoxicating ;-). As a precaution I pause for 2s and then I ask him to move to the pink color, since it is the occasion
- finally, I ask the Squeezebox of the living room (part of my multiroom audio system, therefore) to set the sound at 30% to just create a musical background, and to launch the “romantic” playlist created for the occasion (free to create the playlist you want, based on Barry White if you want :D)
The atmosphere is created, there's nothing left to do but !
Finally, I add a last condition block, this time triggered by a long press of the NIU. In this case, we turn off the Dioder leds, the perfume diffuser, and turn off the music, to end the special Valentine's Day scenario.
Afterwards, it's up to you to play, there are some things it's better not to automate for your own pleasure ;-)
To recap, here's my entire scenario:
In itself it is not very complicated, but the example is there to show you that it is possible to control a lot of things with a single click on a button, regardless of the protocols or objects connected. As long as they are integrated into the home automation system, here at Jeedom in this case, they can be integrated into more global scenarios. If we had had an electric fireplace, it might as well have been possible to light it as well!
And you, what are your ideas for home automation scenarios for Valentine's Day?
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